A few days ago, I read in El País a remarkable article against the
new political formation Podemos. In this article, the author Antonio Roldán
stated firmly that we can’t associate Podemos
with a serious left-wing political program. Every single measure of this party,
like the 35 work hours per week, the revocation of all the pension reforms, the
ilegalization of laying off workers in profitable businesses, the control of
the European Central bank, or the refusal on repaying the public debt, would
lead us to a deeper crisis than the one that we still are suffering. Instead of
this, the author suggests what a responsible left-wing party should do.
The arguments that the author sets out
for all these critics seem always reasonable and even quite rational, in economical
terms. For instance, it has no sense to refuse repaying the public debt, when
almost every month the Spanish state needs to go to the international markets
and ask for more loans to keep the social services of his impoverish welfare
state. But the problem is exactly this point. It’s useless to show a rational
speech to a party that it’s based on the contrary. Podemos was voted by hope and despair, rage and anger; its
electorate is mainly composed by people who have lost their faith in the
system. So they cannot be convinced by nice words and arguments. They became
too suspicious, after six years of crisis. I think, for instance, how easy
should be to refute the article as a whole. If there are issues that a
responsible left party can do –in a different way than the right positions, no
need to say so- why haven’t they done anything in the last six years? Are
sensible left-wing measures so weak and unpopular that they are not able to
communicate any signs of hope to society?
But we could go further in the
argument of the critics to Podemos.
Even if we endorse the idea that it is not possible another politics than
liberalism and austerity, with all the reasons that any conservative economist
could give us, this would mean very little for this electorate. It doesn’t
matter if in the long run, equilibrium and recovery comes back to economy; the
problem is what will happen meanwhile, and who are going to be the winners in
all the process. The farer the point of recovery is, the less attractive these
politics are. As Keynes suggested once, in the long run we are all dead.
Moreover, the less knowledge we have about the winners in the process, the less
support we’ll have on the potential losers of the whole process. How attractive
can be the idea of extreme austerity, if an important part of the unemployed
will never get a job again? In that instant, rationality disappears in our
social brain. Rationality turns into revenge. More than one will find
attractive the idea of a complete rapture of all privileges, a direct attack on
the system as a whole. They are not thinking any more in the advantages they
get, but in the disadvantages they can cause on their enemies. So rationality
means for them, how much damage I can inflict on the system and the people who
are benefited by it –mainly the casta-,
no matter the cost that it will take for me in the future. For a long time we
have considered democracy choices linked to rationality, common sense and even
social welfare. We can’t make this assumption anymore. Democracy, like in
ancient Athens, or like in the 30s in Germany or Spain, can be dominated by
revenge and death as well.
We can imagine our crisis as the
sinking of a social Titanic. When the
ship is still working, low and high are happy enough to tolerate among them.
But in the sinking, the priviledged are the only enable to reach the lifeboats.
The lower, seen that their salvation is impossible, will choose between two
options, help the priviledges to save their live, or try to kill them as well.
It is not the case of the old man who leaves his seat for a baby in order to
preserve the future; it is the case of an unfair system in which priviledge
people haven’t done too much to deserve the place they have in the lifeboat. In
fact, some of those priviledged people could be seen as outrageous villains
–all the political casta for instance-.
If this tale is true, why are we going to support the politics of the common
sense? What reasons and arguments can the main two parties hold their position?
As we see with fascism and communism, there is beauty in chaos and destruction.
And after wiping out the present, there are always places for new buildings to